Create an Account

Please use the form below to register for a Beauty Fort Trade Account

Please register here if you require delivery to the UK. If you require delivery into the EU, please click here to register on

Please use the form below to register for a Beauty Fort Trade Account

Your account will need to be approved by a member of our Sales Team before you will be able to login. To enable us to approve your account as soon as possible please provide as much information as possible on the registration form.

Our Sales Team will send you an email once your account has been approved, usually within 1 working day.

Fields marked with a * are mandatory fields.

Registration Country

Select the country within which you wish to register. Please note the country selected will determine the currency and language used within your account and cannot be changed at a later date.

Contact Details

The title of the main contact for your account, e.g Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms
The first name of the main contact for your account, e.g. John
The last name of the main contact for your account, e.g. Smith
The job title of the main contact for your account
The telephone number of the main contact for your account
The email address of the main contact for your account. Used to login and to send order notifications
This should be at least 8 letters long and contain at least: 1 number, 1 uppercase letter & 1 lowercase letter
For confirmation, please re-enter you password

Company Details

The full name of the company this account is for, e.g. Beauty Fort Ltd
For registered companies, please enter the registration number

Company Address

The first line of your registered address
The second line of your registered address (if any)
The third line of your registered address (if any)
The town of your registered address
The county of your registered address (if any)
The postcode of your registered address
The country of your registered address

About Your Company

The latest turnover of the company this account is for
The number of employees of the company this account is for
The type of company this account is for
The main web address of the company this account is for
A description of the company this account is for. If the company sells on eBay, Amazon, etc. please include the relevant usernames
The buying requirements of the company this account is for
How did you hear about Beauty Fort?

Terms & Conditions

Password Required

You must enter your password to continue

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